Boots Launch a Big Success

Thank you to everyone who made the launch of Boots Poffenberger: Hurler, Hero, Hell-Raiser such a big success. Joan and Jerry Knode were wonderful hosts providing an array of refreshments (still marveling at the banana bread, Joan!) and more importantly, a welcoming atmosphere. Indeed, it was like old-home week for those who gathered to hear my presentation on Boots, as many in the audience knew the former big leaguer. (Even as I am writing this, I have received a call from Laco Anderson saying that he saw people there that he hadn’t seen “in 40 years!”)

It was especially heart-warming to see many friends who didn’t know Boots, but came out to support me. There were friends from Charles Town, Winchester, Stephens City, Waynesboro, PA and Columbia, MD, meaning that the greater four-state area was well-represented.

Again, thanks to Joan and Jerry Knode, to Laco Anderson whose heart-felt remarks added a wonderfully personal touch, to Jeff Cline for an outstanding publicity campaign (his Facebook photo album of the event may be found here), and to my wife Martha for handling all the book transactions leaving me free to talk and sign.

In fact, the launch was such a success that Joan has asked me to come back for C & O Canal Days in August. I’ll be signing in the Town Hall from 11:00-1:00 on Saturday and presenting my talk on Boots at 1:00 on Sunday in the Town Museum after which I will also be signing books.

Again, it would be a great help if you would leave a review on Amazon. The more reviews, the higher the book is ranked in Amazon’s calculations and that means the more people who will get to know Boots. You need not purchase anything from Amazon, just have an account. Log in and leave your review. Click here to go directly to Boots’ Amazon page.

As I said in my talk, if the folks gathered at the launch on Sunday feel that Boots Poffenberger: Hurler, Hero, Hell-Raiser creates the sense that Boots has never left, then I will consider the book my biggest success. Of course, the extent to which the book is successful with the public is as much Williamsport’s success as it is mine.

About Austin Gisriel

You know the guy that records a baseball game from the West Coast in July and doesn't watch it until January just to see baseball in the winter? That's me. I'm a writer always in search of a good story, baseball or otherwise.
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2 Responses to Boots Launch a Big Success

  1. Hello Austin I certainly wish I could have made the launch. What other events are coming up?


    • I wish you could have, too! I’ll be doing a signing at the Winchester Book Gallery on August 16th from 11:00-1:00. I’ll also be reprising my presentation on Sunday, August 24th at 1:00 (followed by a signing) at the Williamsport Town Museum. We need to have a pre-Gordy lunch soon!


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